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union hand in hand

a letter from our 



       When I joined Alpha Phi I truly had no idea how much of an impact it would have on my college career. I could speak forever on all of the aspects that make our house great, but what it really comes down to for me are the girls. Every day that I spend around the house I learn something new about one of our members that amazes me. It is through our sisterhood events, when the whole house comes together, that you really get to know each other and build those unique life long connections. Whether it's just a Bachelor viewing party or a trip to Disneyland, I always walk away from sisterhood events with a new special memory. Being surrounded by so many awesome girls has constantly motivated me to be the best version of myself. I know there's magic that lies within the sisterhood of Alpha Phi and I can't wait for the new members to discover it for themselves. 

Love and AOE

Lizzie Clemons

Sisterhood Chair

© 2017 by Kelsey LaChance. Created with

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